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"Ça fait même pas 20 ans que j'te connais et toi, tu vois déjà dans mes veines
Le creux qu'ont laissé les larmes et la distance de 2 000 km
C'est parce que t'as le même gorgé de soleil et de souvenirs qui dansent"
"I haven't even known you for 20 years yet you already look into my veins
The gap that has been left by the tears and the distance of 2000 km
It's because you have the same throat of sun and the memories that dance"
Performed by: Wendy Nazaré
Source: Hello Musique
Wendy Nazaré is an Argentenian singer who lives in Belgium who also has Portuguese family roots. This song is a duet that sings about events, impressions, and sounds that take the singers to the unique city of Lisbon (Lisboa), Portugal.
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